This page will let you know how simple it is to get started. What you need to do is just TRY IT NOW:

Step 1. Find out the best price.

Text wheat, PE16 6SS to 07XXXXXXXXX

( Suppose you want to find out the price of postcode PE16 6SS )

Step 2. Accept the highest price.

After the step 1, you will probably receive:

11:55 22/06/2001 Ex-farm £/t Wheat PE16 6SS:
Spot £110.20
Jan 2012 £99.99
May 2012 £122.60
Harv 2012 £100.12

Then you need to text Jan to accept the price.

If you don’t want to accept a price, you don’t have to do anything. You have no obligation to sell and can use our service again another time, and we hope you will.